Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Re-Posted From the BlogSite A Little Leaven

There are a bunch of folks sending us inflammatory emails and leaving comments taking the Museum of Idolatry to task because they want Todd Bentley's "Florida Outpouring" to be real (but it isn't). We've provided the Biblical proof that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Bentley fails the Biblical tests for a prophet and now the SECULAR media has confirmed that Bentley's 'healing show' is not legit and there is not one confirmed healing, NOT ONE CONFIRMED MIRACLE.

Wake up church! Bentley is a false prophet and a charlatan.

Colossians 2:18 & 2 Peter 2:1


Stew said...

Can you point me to some examples of real, confirmed bona fide modern prophets and miracle workers, awithe perhaps some proofs of why they are the real thing?

It seems that only the shucksters get the headlines, it would be nice to be exposed to some real healers, seeing disfugured faces healed on YouTube or a YouTube video of an amputated arm or leg being restored.


Benjamin - The Sower said...


Nope, I can't point any out for you, because they don't exist today...

God can and does still heal people miraculously - however, He doesn't do it as some sort of side-show entertainment...

There are no modern-day miracle workers - the Bible says that the prayers of the righteous availeth much... You wanna' be healed? Ask God for your healing... He'll either do it, or He won't - either way, you'll get your answer to prayer... Yes, No, or not right now...

There are no modern prophets, everything we need to know about the future has been written in the Bible... The most important of all the prophecies tells of the Day of Judgment to come, where God will hold every person accountable for what they have done... Punishing everyone who has broken His laws, and has not been reconciled to Him through repentance and faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.

Glad I could answer your questions stew - even more glad God was so kind as to put together a book that I could go to in order to get the answers for you...

I realize that you think its all some sort of conspiracy of deception that someone made up - though, you're not the first, and you won't be the last... But just because you don't like what it says, doesn't mean it's not true...

But thanks for your 2 cents anyway...