Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Whew - more than a year!

Being away from my "blog" for over a year does not mean I have relinquished my opinions and observances. I have, however, concentrated my efforts upon shortened blurbs of thought using Facebook and Twitter, concentrating on studies within my Navy occupation in pursuit of the Chaplain Corps, and the exercises and training necessary to reach that goal.

I'm going to make a concerted effort to resume blogging on a more regular basis. For those of you who have subscribed, I thank you. For those of you who have commented on past blog posts, waiting patiently for review and publishing, I apologize for the delay, and will strive to prevent it from happening again in the future.

My continued hope for this place on the internet is to communicate the gospel clearly, and to make Christ known to those who do not yet know him. I will strive to realize this hope with Biblical accuracy, verbal conciseness (I think that's a word) and as much brevity as I can muster.

Please share your comments, thoughts, etc - I'm always available and open to suggestion.

God Bless you

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