- The Transition website for President - elect Obama is asking for your (and my) "vision for America"
I thought I would include my message and video I sent...
My vision for America is one where everyone is treated fairly... This includes those who cannot speak for or defend themselves against anyone who might wish to impose their own agenda upon them...
When the issue is economic, I would like to see us, as you put it Mr. Obama, "read our Bibles" and adopt a tax plan at least similar to God's idea where everyone pays the same percentage of what they make - no matter HOW MUCH or how little they earn, everyone puts forth the same portion in order to help build up and sustain America's economic issues...
But BEFORE that, I would like to see an America where the unborn are protected, not just considered to be an inconvenience or a mistake, like some sort of punishment thrust upon those who could not be responsible with the decisions they were making with their bodies in the first place - how is it they can all of the sudden be trusted to make a GOOD decision with their body when it comes to the subject of eliminating another life separate and apart from their own?
Many people I've spoken to on these issues have told me that they are not nearly as concerned about issues of abortion as they are the economy - and I cannot convey to you in this text message how sad that truly makes me. However, while we, as a nation, are considering the lives of "the least of these" as less than valuable, I simply cannot put much value on America's economic woes...
By the grace of God, I am able to support my family - unfortunately, I'll be doing that by going to war... While at the same time, I am proud to serve because I know that I will be fighting for my son's right to live free, and my daughter's right to make decisions that please God Almighty, rather than the whims of popular opinion...
I am not going to call you evil, as others have done - you are no less or more evil than I am. You are my Commander in Chief, and again, I will not be able to express to you in this message, the respect I have for the position you hold. At the same time, my respect for your office comes with certain expectations...
Therefore, while I do not agree with a lot of what you proposed in your campaign, I realize that you are a politician who needed votes in order to win, and therefore, HAD to make certain promises to certain people in order to secure certain groups to your platform.
When, in a speech you gave to Planned Parenthood, you mentioned that "the first thing you'd do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act" - and then today, in your video address, you said that you will make giving the economy the boost it needs your "first order of business as President." - once again, I don't consider the economy to be AS important as the issue of life vs. choice - if your first order of business is going to be something OTHER than signing legislation that gives women the opportunity to make arguably the worst "choice" they could ever make, then I suppose I could get behind you on your first order of business...
I am praying that you will do as you have suggested others do, and read your Bible and see that some of the issues you are fighting for are diametrically opposed to those that Jesus Himself taught. Please do not simply pay lip-service to your Christian faith if that is who you are... I'm not suggesting that you make our Government into some sort of "theocracy" as some fear. Though, what I AM suggesting is that you exemplify what it is you claim to be your faith, or else retract your claim and move on...
As long as we help people to continue to make bad decisions with the lives they are living, we are complicit in the murders of countless children who were never given a chance in the first place. My vision of "change" for America is one where we begin telling people what the Bible tells people, to turn away from evil, and follow after good... Paying close attention to the things that God hates, so as to avoid them at all costs, and embracing the things that God loves, so as to please Him... not just the status quo...
That's my vision...
You are in my prayers...
ChristAlignment in Their Own Words
5 years ago
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