Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The "True" Christian...

This afternoon, I was really craving a bagel as I do every year as Rosh Hashanah begins, however, we were all out of schmear...  For those of you visiting from outside of Philadelphia, that would be translated into "cream cheese spread."

Anyway, my wife, who loves me so much, offered to go to the store and pick up a tub o' cheese for me because I forgot to get it last night while I was at the store...  Thank God for help-mates...

Because we just recently moved into our new home, she wanted to make sure we'd be stocked up on the spread for awhile, so she stopped by our local Costco in order to make sure we'd have enough to last through the next millenium...  For those of you visiting from the mid-west, Costco is Sam's Club, except it doesn't smell like a tire center...

Back to the reason for this post - as my wife was pulling into the parking lot, with our two children in the car mind you, she was paying attention to the lane she was driving in, and not the automobile cutting through the parking spaces about to pull in front of her...  As the car came into her line of sight, she hit the brakes suddenly and forcefully...

Perhaps you can imagine what happened next, because it may have happened to you once...  Maybe you were that person zipping through the spaces causing people to slam on their brakes...  Well this young man was not at all happy with my wife's near collision...

He got out of his car and began yelling at her, calling her all sorts of foul words, telling her to get out of the car, that he would just wait for her, punching the car in order to emphasize his words so that she wouldn't underestimate his seriousness...

Well, my wife did what any woman with 2 young children in the car should have done, she simply drove away and went to the Albertson's down the block...  My initial reaction was that she should have called the police, or parked the car in the fire lane of the store, and went directly to the Store Manager to report the man's assault so that she might shop in peace...

As my flushed cheeks lost a bit of their pink she mentioned that the part that saddened her most was that he was wearing a cross necklace...

And that is where I am coming from when I refer to the difference between what the BIBLE declares to be a "True" Christian (follower of Christ) and a false convert (hypocrite).  Anyone who has been regenerated by God's grace and is truly Christian would hold their tongue in the case of a close call such as the one my wife experienced this afternoon...  Anyone who has denied themselves, taken up their cross to follow Jesus, would not stand in the middle of a parking lot screaming at a mother with her children with threats of violence... (Matthew 16:24-26)

Another victim of the modern gospel that told this man that you simply need to believe Jesus died for your sins, say a little prayer and you're on your way to heaven...  Wear this piece of jewelry and Jesus will recognize you when you enter heaven...  

Boy I hope I'm in the car if anything like this ever happens again - at least he'll get a gospel tract to take home with him, and perhaps he'll praise God's name because he wasn't involved in an automobile accident, rather than blaspheming it with his words and actions while wearing religious jewelry.

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