Sunday, December 9, 2007

Just so's you know...

I do in fact, have a sense of humor - just in case you've read my previous entries and thought to yourself, "boy, does this guy ever crack a joke???"

That's why I thought I would share a funny moment from just the other day.  I've been away from my wife, Rachel, and children, Jonathan and Hannah for the past 2 weeks while performing Annual Training with my Navy Reserve Unit.  So my main point of contact with them has been through iChat on our Apple Computers...

Though, the story I'm going to share wasn't one that I actually was blessed to witness on camera, the visual imagery that it will convey should stop you from wishing you were there...

So anyway, Rachel had just completed an afternoon feeding with Hannah while Jonathan played quietly at her feet.  With Hannah full of food and well contented, it was time for a pat on the back to release the trapped gases.  (Mom's and men who are secure in their masculinity know that I'm talking about burping the baby...)

In no time at all, our 3-month old bundle of joy turned into a geyser, redecorating the whole front of my wife's outfit.  Needless to say, wild horses could not have held back the hysterical laughter that tore out of the insides of my son Jonathan...

After a short grace period, Rachel told him that he needed to settle down - one thing to understand about my son is that when he finds something funny, you almost have to pinch him to get him to stop laughing...  So after another handful of seconds, my wife began taking it personally, almost as if he was laughing at her misfortune, rather than the eruption of gastric fluids that you just don't expect to see come bolting out of a little 10 pound beauty such as his little sister is...

Rachel told Jonathan that if he couldn't stop laughing, he would have to go to his room and settle down  before he could come back out...  Now, you'd think that a 4-year old would simply hear the suggestion of having to go to his room and stop the laughter immediately...

But not my boy...

He agreed - he should go to his room, this was just too funny to stop anytime soon...

If you've ever heard a story that just tickled your funny bone so much that it brought a tear to your eye, that was the feeling I was having at that moment.  Whatever I lack in the department of humor, that kid has in spades...  That's for sure.

I hope you laughed at least half as hard as I did...

God Bless you - until next time...

-Benjamin, The Sower

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