Monday, June 30, 2008

True Christians?

More and more frequently, I and many other believers have been accused of committing the "No True Scotsman" fallacy when it comes to marking those who are preaching a gospel other than the one we were taught... (Galatians 1:6-10)

I've gone out on a limb and suggested that those who would speak and act in a fashion that is contrary to that which the Bible says would be typical of a person whose heart had been regenerated by the power of the Holy Spirit, are most likely not truly Christians to begin with.

Consider these words from the Book of Acts 4:12 - in light of Matthew 1:21

Wait a second!!!  How can this be???  How is it possible that a person could call themselves a Muslim and not believe that Allah exists???  How is it that 92% of us can be considered to be "Strongly Religious" yet only 63% of those people actually believe that the "Sacred Texts" (presumably the Bible) is the true Word of God?

On another note, how is it that any less than 100% of ANY faith believes that their particular way is the only way to the promise that lies after this life...  I mean seriously folks - if you're a Muslim whose read the Koran, and believes what it says, that the only way to be assured of your place in Paradise is to be martyred for the faith, how is it that you could possibly go on in the rituals or the "strife" (Jihad) without believing 100% that you are right?

The debate fallacy referred to as the "No True Scotsman" argument isn't even applicable when it comes to a person being, doing and talking in a manner consistent with their profession of faith.  An atheist who overheard or read that another professed atheist prays once a day, would undoubtedly refer to that person as an agnostic at least, perhaps even a deist - though, they would not allow that person to be identified under the same banner as the rest of their (un)group...

Perhaps another example with a little more meat to it...  Imagine for a moment that you're a member of PETA - and the President of your local chapter of fellow PETAns has been caught on camera kicking his cat on more than one occasion.  Would anyone be able to convince you that he was necessarily a "true" person "for the ethical treatment of animals?"

If you want to get technical, and we all know how the atheist / evolutionist crowd relies on technicalities...  the No True Scotsman argument is based, from the vantage point of nationality in Mr. Flew's illustration - my point is made upon the basis of identification with Christianity as it is defined within the 66 books of the Holy Bible.

If you're curious about the definition of what a "true" Christian looks / acts like - start here...  1 John 2:3-6 / 1 John 2:9-11

There is plenty more that has been written, this is simply the start...  

Taking into consideration the video above, take a listen to the following message...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

For my atheist friends...

Dr. Will Provine...  Featured in Ben Stein's new movie, eXpelled released in April of this year, is a name that I have not often heard in evolutionary circles...  Though, I am not an evolutionist, and I don't study evolution to the extent that some do...

However, the name Richard Dawkins is prominent, and some guy named Higgins, not to mention Charles Darwin who, as it turns out, is going to have an 18-month celebration carried out in his honor in good old England from the 200th Anniversary of his birth, until the 150th Anniversary of the publication of the Origin of the Species...

So, as I was reading through Ray Comfort's Blog I referenced Dr. Provine several times in comment posts, therefore, I thought I would share a video snippet that I will no doubt be accused of taking out of context...  

However, I want to bring your attention to the final 15-30 seconds of the video where he lists his views of what "modern evolutionary biology tells us" which he asserts are, "basically Darwin's views..."

Now, I've spoken to many, many atheists who claim that atheism has ethical foundations, and that the meaning of life is to "enjoy it now, 'cause it's all you've got."  And invariably, when attempting to share the Truth with an atheist, they will invoke the idea that man has free will to make whatever choices they want with their lives.

In my opinion, those statements, like the assertions that "there is no god or purposive forces" and "there is no life after death" would be, as in a Summary of Biblical Understanding, considered essential beliefs of those truly committed to the cause...  Yet evolutionist and atheists disagree...  Why?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Doesn't the Bible Say...

Has anyone ever told you that you shouldn't judge others?

Have they even gone so far as to quote scripture telling you that you should "judge not, lest ye be judged..."?

Apart from quoting John 7, what do you do?  How do you respond?

Well, if you've ever wanted a good resource, again, apart from scripture, though pointing DIRECTLY AT God's Word - then here it is from Pastor Bob DeWaay.

If you know me, you are obviously aware of how much I value the internet when it comes to the overabundance of resources available for the teaching, training and instructing us (the saints) in the Word of God.  And that is why I'm pointing you toward his Radio Podcasts.

Enjoy and be blessed - if you pay attention, you might just learn something...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Gay Marriage...

Starting Monday (June 16, 2008) at 5:01 pm, several California counties began issuing same-sex “marriage” certificates. This follows the order of the four Supreme Court judges striking down Proposition 22, which the voters overwhelming[ly] approved just a few years ago to reaffirm marriage as only between a man and a woman.

Yet, this debate is not over. Thankfully, the Protection of Marriage Amendment will appear on this November’s ballot. The campaign of the next few months will be our opportunity to remind Californians why the unique role of traditional marriage in society is worth protecting.

The major media would love to see us engage in fierce protests and hostile demonstrations of outrage against the licensing of same-sex “marriages”. Of course they will take any opportunity they can find to portray us as unreasonable. We must not fall into this trap.

So let us keep in mind: Our battle is not against the same-sex couples who are pursuing the opportunity to “marry” granted them by the activist judges on the California Supreme Court. Our battle is against the flawed reasoning of the court’s decision; our purpose is to reaffirm the traditional definition of marriage. Marriage is at the core of family security and is an essential element in our society. The Supreme Court has effectively rendered marriage meaningless at a time when we should be taking steps to strengthen families.

Fortunately, the Protection of Marriage Amendment will give voters the final say in this debate. We are confident that voters will reaffirm the traditional definition of marriage, just as they overwhelmingly did in 2000, and overturn the court’s flawed decision.

Please help us reach even more supporters like you… please forward this email to at least 5 friends or family members who can join this important battle to save traditional marriage.

Thank you,

Ron Prentice, Chairman

Thursday, June 12, 2008

This is MEANT to make you cry...

So close the door where you're at and please excuse the sound quality...

I promise I'll write as often as I am able...